Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Haboob Arrived in full force last night

For those of you who may have slept throught it or don't live in Arizona, a haboob (wall of dust) came through the valley last night.  Although it brought piles of dust that covered cars and knocked down some trees little rain was seen.  Here are some pictures that Mike sent me this morning of what it loooked like last night.  It's reported that this is the biggest haboob seen in over a decade.  It was a biggin'.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A few pictures from the northwest

It seems as though we have two boys enjoying the hunt...

Evan seems very excited about the Easter Egg hunt. All smiles :)

Luca, Admiring his basket of goodies.

 Evan and Luca posing at the pumpking patch.

Happy Birthday Luca!!
(Evan, helping his little brother open his gifts while Luca is distracted by the picture taking)

 As Dave has said, you know it's summer time when the Orcas come back. 
(Mt. Rainer is in the background)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Alexa's Brithday Party

Alexa's practicing her breathing technique; getting ready for the blow out. :)

As you can see she is surrounded by helpers and so many gifts

Marilyn and Baby Aliyah

Everyone enjoying the party. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Grandpa's 80th Birthday Party

 HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDPA (DAD, for some of you :) )

This past weekend, April 3, 2011, we celebrated Grandpa's 80th.  As you can see he's enjoying being king for the day.

And the Newest Member of the Buehrle Family (Aliyah) Made Her First Official Appearance!!